Highlands Jr. principal answers questions about new campus

Construction crews work daily to get the new Highlands Jr. School campus ready for use.

HIGHLANDS– Highlands Junior School principal Steve Herring recently addressed the issue of the new HJS campus during a Question and Answer session.
What is your mindset right now as the district tries to decide when the new campus will open?
We continue to look forward to being in our new building and want to work with the contractor to ensure that the building is in a safe, orderly, and welcoming condition for the children and staff members. While we had hoped to be in the building as soon as possible, we don’t want to sacrifice quality for the sake of the schedule.
What plans are you guys making as a staff for either a January opening or remaining in the current building?
Plans will be made as soon as an occupancy date is determined.
How is the situation affecting teachers? Students?
Because of the uncertainty about the move-in date, we have not discussed this with our students. Our teachers have been told that the move is on hold at the present. As always, they are focused on helping our students to succeed in school.

How much are students and teachers looking forward to the new campus?
We are excited about the new campus and the improved setting that it will offer. In the meantime, we continue to focus on teaching and learning in the current building until our new one is completed.
What will be the challenges of moving into the new campus? What will be the advantages?
Challenges will include packing and unpacking supplies and materials and setting up classrooms and other areas of the building. Many of our staff will give of their personal time to ensure that the new building is organized in a manner that is best for students.
What message would you like to send right now to parents?
We will work closely with the contractor to determine a move-in schedule that will provide for a completed building and will be the least distraction from the instructional program.