Day: June 17, 2004

Reader enlightened by letters about ESDs
To the Editor:The past few weeks I have been reading your Letters to the Editor and became concerned regarding Crosbys EMS and Fire Department. I must admit, I …

Crosby VFDs response to accidents often a necessity
Response to Mr. Price comments/article:I have the following reponses to Mr. Joe Prices comments that were in the Star Courier. The CVFD is called when Law Enforcement Officers …

A BIZARRO page from my notebook. Or why I always carry a camera.
Rule number one for a reporter or editor: Always carry your camera, ready to take a picture.An event on Monday afternoon of this week serves to illustrate the …

County wants 2 new boats, will curtail service hours
LYNCHBURG In an effort to fight rising operation costs, Harris County Commissioner Sylvia Garcia has cut back operating hours at the Lynchburg Ferry.Beginning June 28, the ferry will …

Juneteenth in McNair June 4-20
MCNAIR The McNair communitys nine-day Juneteenth Celebration continues this week with a series of nightly events held at the Edna Mae Washington Park and J.D. Walker Multi-Purpose Center. …

Highlanders injured in crash
HIGHLANDS Five employees of the Gerlands Food Fair market were seriously injured in an auto accident last Friday night, according to reports.Driving to a social event along I-10 …

Highlands Chamber marks installation of new officers, board with vigor and plans
HIGHLANDS The Greater Highlands Chamber of Commerce is alive and well, was the message last Thursday at their installation luncheon. Hosted by outgoing president Charlie Farrar, a …

Crosby Rodeo wraps up a successful 58th annual fair
Grand Champion steer sells for $9000; over 5000 attend; total proceeds over $131,000 CROSBY The 58th annual Crosby Fair & Rodeo is just history now, but it wrote …

Obituaries for Jun 17, 2004
Dan Britton Jr., 33, WinnieSandra Young, 64, Crosby