Obituaries for May 12, 2005
Happy Lawson, 76, Crosby
Happy Lawson, 76, Crosby
It is Mother’s Day as this is being written. Rode by the cemetery on Beltway 8 and noticed a whole lot of cars parked there. Then remembered if …
CROSBY – While most were trying to settle in from a day of celebrations of values and virtues associated with mothers, one guy decided to take advantage of …
BAYTOWN – This weekend will see the first annual Longneck Wildlife Festival take place in three different locations, according to Carl Burg, one of the directors of the …
Bobby “Blue” Bland brought electricity to the stage last Saturday night. Fans thronged to watch the veteran blues singer considered to be conduit from blues to rock music. …
CROSBY – Three Municipal Utility Districts here passed bond referendums on Saturday, May 7. Crosby MUD had a vote of 87 for and 72 against for a $10M …
CROSBY – The Texas Department of Transportation (TXDoT) presented a public hearing at the Crosby High School Commons to exhibit illustrations, and engineering drawing, present their findings then …