You’re running for what?

Had occasion to visit Grenada, Miss. a few days ago while driving through that state. This was our first visit to that medium size town. Most times when I visit somewhere new one of the first things I do is pick up a local newspaper and read the local happenings.
Bought a copy of the Grenada Star that was a 20-page paper for that issue. There I found several things of interest and I thought I would pass two of them on to you.
Joe Lee III is the publisher and also serves as an editorial writer and columnist. On the “Viewpoint” page I read Lee’s column included the following:
“I’ll be glad when this cat food scare is over. The Boss of the House is making me eat cat food to see if it is dangerous. She says if I don’t die in 24 hours she knows it is safe for Paws, Ears, and Little Bit (their cats).”

One has some problem believing the above but Joe Lee III says it is the truth. So much for writer Joe’s pecking order in that house. I believe somewhere in there I would draw the line.
Mississippi Democrats Problem
The lead front-page story for the above named newspaper said, “Insurance Commissioner George Dale, long-time House member Mary Ann Stevens and perennial candidate Shawn O’Hara filed lawsuits to get back on the Democratic ballot….”
The issue that interested me most was that of Shawn O’Hara. Apparently he is a perennial candidate on the Democrat Party side in most elections. Although the story didn’t say this he must be a perennial loser as well.
Trying to improve his odds for election O’Hara filed for seven statewide offices, two district, two legislative and eight county offices. That is nineteen offices in all. The Party decided that was a bit much and removed his name for every office on the ballot except for that of state treasurer. There were no other candidates on the ballot for that office.
O’Hara is upset with this ruling, which was made on a split vote of the state executive committee. According to the paper, “in his lawsuit, which gives only one side of the legal argument, O’Hara said he was illegally denied his constitutional right to seek public office and denied protections provided in the 1965 Voting Rights Act and the 1964 Civil Rights Act.”
This was a new issue to me, as I have never heard of anyone running for so many offices in any one election.
The newspaper pointed out current (Mississippi) law does not prohibit a candidate from seeking more than one office on the same day, but legislators are considering a bill to do so. Apparently this has led to a debate in Mississippi as the state’s Democrat Party Chairman has opposed removing the names.
Running for nineteen offices at once hits me as being a bit much but then I don’t live in Mississippi.
The Democrats removed the other two names because both candidates are strong Bush supporters. The courts will decide all three issues.
Such are the people, places and things that have touched my live in my West Virginia home!
Don Springer can be reached at