Galveston Bay Foundation celebrates the 2012 Children’s Art calendar winners

“2012 Art Calendar Winners”- Front Row L to R:  Ashley Kim (Grace School)

Webster, TX – January 25, 2012 – Proud students and families, teachers, and principals gathered at an award ceremony to celebrate the fourteen winners of the 2012 Children’s Art Calendar contest on January 18th at Sims Bayou Nature Center on Sims Bayou.

The Galveston Bay Foundation (“GBF”) estimates that this project has reached over 10,000 fifth grade students in its past 20 years. More than 440 students from 10 different schools submitted entries for the 2012 Galveston Bay Children’s Art Calendar contest.


Students who live around the Bay were asked, “What people, plants, or animals can you find in and around Galveston Bay?” or “Who uses Galveston Bay?” Through their knowledge and creativity, students illustrated their answer to one of those questions.

“This year’s Galveston Bay Children’s Art Calendar is particularly special, as GBF is celebrating our 25th anniversary,” said GBF’s Manager of Education Programs, Rani Henderson. She continued, “The calendar features the students’ wonderful art as well as two new features, The Green Thing tips and QR codes for smart phone users. It is our hope that these new features in this year’s calendar will inspire and create action amongst the many users of Galveston Bay.”

GBF would like to congratulate all of the 2012 Galveston Bay Children’s Art Calendar contest winners.