CHAMBERS COUNTY The Chambers County Historical Commission met in the Archives Building last week for a Regular Meeting and welcomed Betty Gail Benningfield, the next member that will be appointed by Commissioners Court.
Mrs. Benningfield is a native of Anahuac and a retired teacher. She will be replacing Billy Harmon who recently resigned.
The Commission discussed the recent 175th Anniversary Celebration and Chair Bob Wheat dismissed the various committees.
The Commission has not gotten the final tally on funds raised, but it is believed to be in excess of $10,000.
Plans are being made to utilize the funds for improvements to the archives and museum as well as additional archeological studies for Fort Anahuac. The Commission continues to sell the commemorative afghans for $65.00 and they may be purchased by contacting Bob Wheat at 409-267-6599.
The Commission meets the fourth Saturday of each month at 9:00 am and the public is invited. The archives/museum is located at 300 Cummings Street in Anahuac.