DAYTON The 2008 Dayton Ole Tyme Days Festival was a huge success. And because of that success several Dayton students can continue their education. The scholarship committee is pleased to award $30,000 in scholarships to Dayton High School graduating seniors this year.
The $30,000 is the largest amount awarded in the 16 years Dayton has been hosting Ole Tyme Days festivals. The students awarded have worked very hard to achieve this milestone in their lives. The scholarships will help them begin their collegiate educational journeys.
The annual awards ceremony was held Thursday evening, May 22 at Dayton High School.
Dayton Ole Tyme Days Memorial Scholarships presented were: In memory of Delores Bagley: Bliss Francois, $3,000; In memory of Sharon Gray: Rachel Giberson, $3,000; In memory of Jackie Lambright: Cindy Alvarado, $3000 and In memory of Jay Tankersley: Kati Scott $3000.
Dayton Ole Tyme Days Scholarships in the amount of $1,500 went to Halee Bedwell, Kinsey Blalock, Elizabeth Chachere, Shelby Clanton, Kayla Copeland, Kaley Jagnanan, Laura Johnston, Jesi Noack, Jeremy Revils, Ford Smesny, Robyn Thompson and Alyssa Votaw.
The mission of Dayton Ole Tyme Days is to promote Dayton, Texas and to raise money for local youth scholarships. Each year the scholarship application deadline is in March. Graduating seniors can visit their high school counselors office to get an application.
The festival continues to grow each year. Attendance at the 2008 festival was over 10,000 guests.
Community support for the Dayton Ole Tyme Days Festival enables the scholarship committee to award these deserving students. Thank you to everyone who makes these scholarships possible.
For more information on the Dayton Ole Tyme Days Festival, visit