With the State of Texas and Governor Abbott rolling back the reopening of certain businesses and returning to earlier stage restrictions, and increasing numbers of COVID positive cases in Liberty County, the City of Dayton will resume some of its earlier precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the virus and ensure the continuity of city services.
“We’re resuming our previous COVID 19 processes to ensure that city staff remains healthy and ready to serve our residents,” said City Manager Theo Melancon. “While City facilities will mostly close to foot traffic, the services we provide will continue unabated.”
City facilities, including City Hall, Planning, and the Library will be closed to the public beginning July 1. The Library will resume curbside service and City Administration and Planning offices will be open by appointment only.
Those seeking to schedule inspections, submit plans, or apply for permits from the Planning Office can do so online at daytontx.org/planning.
Utility bill payments can be made online at daytontx.org, by calling 936.258.2642, or through the payment kiosk, located outside of City Hall. Both online and kiosk payments are possible 24-hours a day, seven days a week, while payment by phone is accepted Monday – Friday, 8 am – 5 pm. Online and phone payments are credit/debit card only, while the kiosk accepts credit/debit, check, and cash payment. Cash payments should NOT be made in the City’s dropbox, as their receipt cannot be guaranteed.
Public access to the Police Department and Municipal Court will be limited. For true emergencies, call 911. Non-emergency calls to the Police Department can be made to 936. 258.7621. Municipal Court will be open during Court proceedings but recommends that any business that can be done online daytontx.org/court or by phone 936.258.5312 be handled without a physical visit to the Court.
Access to the Community Center will be limited to those voting and to limited event rental. The Rental Office is open by appointment only. DCDC offices will be open by appointment only beginning July 1.
For a full list of closures, times, and contact information, visit daytontx.org/covid19.