I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am your new Mayor Ryan Dagley. I am extremely humbled by the opportunity to serve our great city. I have been married to my wife Isis for nearly 19 years and we have two beautiful children RJ (sophomore at BHISD) and Kayla (7th grader at BHISD). As a Rotarian, I believe in Service Above Self. I have been a Rotarian for 14 years, most recently serving as President of my Rotary Club. I currently serve on the board for the Cody Stephens Go Big or Go Home Foundation, active on other charitable boards in the community, was CoChairman of the recent BHISD Bond committee, and currently serve on the DEIC committee at BHISD. My parents raised all four of their children as living examples of service to the community you live in. I felt from a young age that serving others was a way for me to leave things better than when I found them.
I joined City Council in January 2019 and have enjoyed my time serving alongside the other Alderman, our wonderful recent past Mayor, and our office staff. After learning our current Mayor was not going to seek re-election, I decided I would step up and use my talents, will to serve, and eagerness to stay involved in my community and run for Mayor. Communities that have strong leaders and members who love to serve are communities that are vibrant and strongly united. Beach City has a strong legacy of great leaders, it is a vibrant community that is a great place to live and raise a family, and my hope is that I can continue this legacy and showcase our Beach City Spirit.
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: With my recent resignation as Alderman and becoming Mayor, there is now an open Alderman position. Anyone interested in being considered for the Alderman position should submit a letter of interest or resume to myself at mayor@beachcitytx.us We will accept letters of interest and resumes until December 10th, 2020 and subsequently interview potential candidates on December 15th.
Ryan J. Dagley, MAI, Mayor, Beach City**