CROSBY The Harris County Sheriff’s Robbery Division confirmed that a robbery of an elderly gentleman occurred March 12 in the Nelson Subdivision.
According to Harris County Sheriff’s Sgt. Pear, two men knocked on the Krenek Rd. door in the wee hours of the morning. When the man opened the door, the men entered the residence with a pistol in hand, they ordered the man to sit down in his living room. One of the men then went through the house searching. Shortly thereafter, the actors left with a small amount of cash.
Ambulance services from ESD#5 attended the resident following the robbery.
Witnesses tell investigators that the home was being watched earlier in the day by two men on bicycles.
The actors in the case of both the bicycle riders and the alleged robbers were described as black males under the age of 30 years.
Crimestoppers offers a reward of up to $5000 for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of persons perpetrating crimes. Crimestoppers can be contacted by calling 713-222-TIPS.
A burglary was reported on Church St. on March 11, again, witnesses tell the Star-Courier that two men on bicycles had been casing the building before it was broken into.