I hope you all had a great Memorial Day weekend. Its a really special time when we pay tribute to all those men and women who served in the defense of our country by serving in the military. Mostly, we want to take time and remember those who paid for our freedom with their life. Thanks to all you veterans from every war or branch of service.
That bein said, I think someone, or several someones, in the Dayton ISD should be taken out behind the barn for makin the kids go to school on Memorial Day. Its pretty insulting to try to trot out that less than sorry excuse that it was to make up for a bad weather day. Give us a break, already! The school board and the Superintendent just didnt plan very well, did you folks?
Memorial Day is a national holiday, so designated by the Congress of these United States. So why does this school district choose to ignore it? Is it really because of Bad Weather makeup days, or is it they just didnt care?
I, for one, wonder why they dont miss, for any reason, Dr. Kings Day, yet the veterans are always having to fight, again, for their day? Im not necessarily against Dr, Kings Day, but it is more than disrespectful to make kids and their parents miss Memorial Day!
Heres a great question for the Dayton ISD, why not just add a day to the end of the school year if a Bad Weather Day is needed? Then, after the required time, you send everyone home, just like you do on Memorial Day? Everyone (with the possible exception of the School Board, et al) knows that the kids arent doing any real school work the last few days anyway, they are just there to fulfill the state mandated number of days for the school year.
Now, this may not be making some of you happy, and thats just too doggone bad. Right is right and the truth is the truth. Get over it and take the proper action so this type stupidity is not repeated next year, folks!
I think I should let the folks mentioned above know that one of the freedoms our veterans fought, and died for, was the right to a free press and the right to free speech.
Therefore, I will continue to back my veteran friends on this, cause Id rather have them watching my back than anyone else!
So, what else is happening in our lives? Well, I heard my ol gatekeeper, Charlie Farrar was involved in an accident. Someone was so anxious to see him, they ran right over the back of his car! Reportedly Charlies alright, though just a little sore. Glad hes goin to be OK. I guess hell not be leavin the gate open so much, now!
My wife is finally retirin from teachin school after 29 years. She will be movin to the Rancho Pequito permanently, next week, so Ill have to straighten up some. But, I figure shes worth it!
I have selected the winners of the contest, but it was hard, Im tellin you! Thanks to all of you who took the time to send me your letters. I decided to pick five winners instead of just three, with four getting signed CDs.
But, youll have to wait to see the winners in next weeks paper, cause one lucky winner is goin to have to eat catfish and ribs with me at Lonestar with Val and Mike. Watch next week!!!
Gotta go feed. Just a Ridin, Lloyd