Month: October 2003

Czech Fest draws crowds under sunny skies in Crosby
CROSBY Sacred Heart School supporters in the thousands turned out for the Czech Fest at the Crosby Fairgrounds on Sunday, Oct. 5th, for the annual event that celebrates …

October Weekend means Highlands Jamboree, Ms Highlands, and Czech Fest
HIGHLANDS Preparations are complete for one of the biggest and best Jamboree events in years, according to Chamber President Charlie Farrar and members of the committee that are …

Highlands Cleans UP!
Pilot Club president Jean Stockwell, and committee member Betty Michalsky pose with PeeWee Farmer and members of the Harris County Precinct 2 road crew, who volunteered to help …

New Pastor at Crosby First Baptist Church
By BOBBY HORN JR.CROSBY A preacher who is described as strongly evangelistic and theologically very conservative will take the reins at First Baptist Church of Crosby this Sunday.Bro. …