HIGHLANDS The Rotary club installed its new president Johnny Gaeke at a banquet held at the Baytown Boat Club last Friday night. In charge of the installation was District Governor elect Jeff Tallas.
Also installed for the 2006-2007 were president elect Charlie Ward, secretary Lisa Vickers, treasurer Jeremy Rosenkranz, sergeants at arms Robert Woodall and deputy Steve Miller, Directors Weston Cotten, Dr. Larry White, Sam Al-Rasheed, Tom Hill, and Gil Hoffman.
Outgoing president Steve Miller reviewed the accomplishments of his term, which was honored by the 57 club District 5890 by naming Miller Club President of the Year.
These activities include a record setting Chili Feast fund raiser, relief for hurricane Katrina and Rita evacuees, support of the local food pantry, the Chinquapin Interact club, Boy Scouts, and Stratford Library.
Also, the club has been donating books to the library in honor of speakers, and participated in the city-wide Ring the Bell