CROSBY – Get ready to greet some new neighbors. Four thousand homestarts are planned in this area by next year, according to recently compiled demographics by Crosby ISD; maybe so, maybe not – depending on how water gets to those new houses.
There is development started behind Crosby State Banks Main Office to tap into Crosby Municipal Water District, according to Board members. There is also a proposed residential community behind Wal-Mart. Recently, information came to interested parties that the new community will have its own water facility or be outside Crosby M.U.D. Rampart Capital Corp. announced development north and east of Newport to be added to Newport M.U.D. But other developments are trying to figure out specifics of water.
It is a complex situation at best, made all the more complicated by the increasing specifications from regulatory agencies including those in Texas and the federal Environmental Protection Agency. These agencies have demands for using Surface Water Treatment Facilities, demands that there be reduced particulate matter and that there be less germs and stuff in the water than has ever been asked for by regulatory agencies. Standards put simply now demand that facilities have more water available than can possibly be demanded by the number of houses can use in a day. The standards are likely to get tougher. None of these specifications are cheap.