CHAMBERS COUNTY– The Chambers County Historical Commission met last week in the building recently purchased by Chambers County Commissioners Court.
The building will provide space for the Historical Commissions Archives, Museum, Office and Meeting Room, as well as storing records for Chambers County. Although renovations are still in process by the Chambers County Maintenance Department, the Meeting Room has been completed to allow meetings to be conducted there.
Following routine business items, various committees reported on activities for the month. The Old House Recognition Signs continue to be rotated throughout the county and are currently located at the Hamilton-Willcox home owned by Warren G. and Cynthia Clark in Anahuac and at the Dr. Morgan Home owned by Danny and Donna Cossey near Hankamer.
The Oral Interview Committee is active interviewing long time residents of the county in order to record past history. Anyone interested in these activities should contact Chair Bob Wheat or call the Commission Office at 409-267-8363.
The upcoming 175th Anniversary Celebration of the Battle of Anahuac was discussed at length. The celebration will be held on June 9 in Fort Anahuac Park. The activities will begin at 9 a.m. with a parade commencing at the County Courthouse and ending in the park. Numerous activities are planned in the park throughout the day. The community is encouraged to participate in the planning process and the celebration as well.
In commemoration of the 175th Anniversary Celebration, the Commission is sponsoring a 48″X60″ tapestry to recognize the history of Chambers County. The tapestries will be available for purchase during the Celebration or pre-orders can be made at any time. To pre-order the tapestry, contact Bob Wheat at 409-267-6599. The pre-order price is $50.00 each.