Had to conduct some bizness the other day in Liberty, Texas. Thats across the Trinity River and up some from Day Lake if you know where that is. Anyway, found myself on the courthouse square at a little buffet style restaurant called SHARONS KITCHEN.
One of my banker friends recommended this place and said they also cater to the Lions Club and Rotary Club of Liberty, adding the food is very good and priced right as well.
The food was good and plenty of it, so go hungry; they are open seven days a week.
Do enjoy checking out new places to break bread because it is a change from the same ole same ole.
Back when I was on the road working for Liggett & Myers and for Purex, you can bet I checked out new places and enjoyed it immensely. Mind you now this was on the eastern seaboard between Kinston, North Carolina and Georgetown, South Carolina.
Ate dozens of Hardee burgers enough to last a lifetime and it has.
Three places stand out in the recesses of my long term memory although their names have already faded away.
A boarding house in Tabor City, North Carolina had a daily buffet dinner (lunch to you city folks) which was as good as any Ive ever had to this day. The one thing that sticks out particularly about that boarding house was the desserts. When in season, a huge strawberry shortcake was put before you and delicious it was. Another time would be a fresh peach shortcake
.words cannot describe the tastiness of those desserts.
Two other places are pool halls, one in Tabor City, NC and the other in Wilmington, NC.
Tabor City would fry their hotdogs in oil over a piece of steel with the fry bowl battered down from it. They served Cocolas (Coca-Cola) in the small bottles if you remember those.
The pool hall in Wilmington was another place that was most unique in its own way. It had the usual burgers and hot dogs and they also had Bean of the day. Simply one of the many beans and a few peas at times served in a bowl with a scoop of onion and two slices of bread. It took a large Coke to wash those down at times and they sure were good.
A buddy of mine said Alabama is so dry:
The Baptist have started sprinkling.
The Methodists are using a wet wash cloth.
The Presbyterians are giving rain checks and
The Catholics are trying to turn wine back into water.