HIGHLANDS Due to the disruption caused by Hurricane Ike, the Highlands Lynchburg Area Chamber of Commerce has postponed their annual Highlands Jamboree until Oct. 25.
Event organizer Kristy Stallings said that they would have all the same activities as before with one new addition. Throughout the day secret judges will be on site judging Halloween costumes. The best costumes will re recognized at the awards ceremony set for 3 p.m.
Among this years activities are a 5K and 1K Fun Run/ Walk and Bike Ride, Childrens pageant, Carnival and Arts and Craft Booths at Highlands Elementary, Live Entertainment, Silent Auction and Raffle. The parade will also held on Main Street at 10 a.m. that same day.
The Highlands Horizons will hold their annual Miss Highlands and Junior Miss Highlands Pageants the same day. The pageants will be held at the new Highlands Junior School auditorium.
Since Oct. 25 is also the date of the first Goose Creek Memorial High Homecoming Dance, the Miss Highlands Pageant will be held at 3 p.m. followed by the Junior Miss Pageant at 7 p.m.