CROSBY As the anticipation of receiving last money back from the State that local taxpayers sent to Austin comes closer to reality the local school board is hearing resistance to making cuts on many fronts but some reasons are being offered to not cut the Tax Office.
On Jan. 31, Joe Anselmo and Trustee JoAnne Crawford addressed the board during Hearing of Citizens Portion to plea that the Crosby Tax Office not be closed. As the Star-Courier reported on Jan. 13 anticipation of being given millions od dollars less than expected last year back from Texas has the trustees and superintendent wondering where they can save money.
Texas has trimmed $27 Billion dollars from the budget and being that 47% of the States Budget is Education everyone is looking for the next shoe to fall.
The superintendent, in January, denied that the amount would certainly be $1.47 Million indicating he has not been given any estimated amount. Because the school is in the job of educating, not collecting taxes, he believed that having Goose Creek collect taxes for Crosby was a good idea. Items of regular business Exhibit 5 and 6 concerned closing the Tax Office.
Anselmo stated that he had collected some 200 names in four days on a petition. He indicates that the Goose Creek school district has misplaced money twice in the last several years amounting to over $300,000. He says it will cost over $12,500 to make the transition from Crosby to Goose Creek. Channelview and Sheldon have the same software as Crosby but as far as he knows have not been asked. There are 19,000 accounts in Crosby and the estimated expenditure for Goose Creek I.S.D. to process the collects is $69,000 annually. The Crosby Tax Office found a gas storage tank on FM 1942 that netted the district $200,000 annually. The Crosby Tax Office has purchased land for the district that has saved tremendous funding, according to Anselmo.
The Board tabled the decisions on the Tax Office on Monday. Trustee President Blankenship said that inaction could have just cost the district four teachers come next year.
JoAnne Crawford spoke of the district offering loyalty back to long term personnel.
Other speakers wanted to keep the science stipend as extended by Superintendent Josephs board last year. It is hard to save money, especially in schools.