The 18 months of construction have concluded. The overpass was first opened on Wednesday Oct. 16 as traffic was diverted to the overpass to finsih work on Kernohan and Oak Streets. All beems were in place over a month ago. In spite of opposition from varied sources and windmills of rumors about shutting down access from Huffman, the project continued with amendments such as lights to stop traffic to allow ambulances to exit their station. David Boehm of NGB Constructors spoke of the challenges persented by the project, the thrill of completion, his companys positive impression of the community and apperciaton of being asigned the project. Quincy Allen, TXDoT, P.E. Deputy District Engineer for the Houston District spoke next with much wit aand enthusiasm for a job well done. With Mr. Allen were Adam Galland, Allens Assistant John Elam the Area engineer and Danny Perez Public Information Officer all of TXDoT. Wayne Smith talked of his impression of Crosby being forward looking and of his interest in infrastructure.