HIGHLANDS – Let anyone planning where best to celebrate holidays in the U.S.A. remember to be here for Memorial Day.
Each year a capacity crowd turns out to remember those that have served the armed forces — and especially those that gave the last full measure for their country — with speeches, tributes, prayer and music at the cemetery in Highlands.
This year — with the help of the Crosby High School JROTC, Boy Scout Troop #107, Cub Scout Pack 264 Den 1, and honored guests that served in the International War on Terror, and scores of veterans from nearby areas, with local folks that echo the patriotism that summoned the rest — scores of people returned to see the Memorial Wreath placed on the Wall of Honor.
According to Mike Page, Managing Partner at Sterling-White Funeral Home and Cemetery: “I was pleased with the turn out. I thank Master Sergeant Joe Briscoe for coming to speak to us today. He drove all the way up from Frisco to present his speech. And Pastor Hovator for leading us in prayer so that we could all come together on Memorial Day knowing what it is really all about. And those that we lost, we are here to honor them.”
The guest speaker Joe Briscoe lost his right arm and was severely wounded in his left during his service in Iraq. He recounted the events of that fateful day.
He went through telling the horror of the war to remember to ask himself, how do we begin to honor those that sacrificed all for us to enjoy our freedoms?
“How dare I wallow in sorrow with the life I have been given by others.
“How do you honor them? Firstly, never let their memories die. Secondly, vow to live your life the best way that you can. Remembering that you have been given a gift. Take full advantage of the freedoms for which they sacrificed their lives. I can hear them say don’t feel guilty because you survived but live they very best that you can.”