Our community is known for its strength and ability to overcome challenging times such as unprecedented flooding, the occasional ice storm, chemical fires and the San Jacinto Bridge outage. We will fight the Corona Virus with that same ferocity. At the onset of this virus we began preparing for the worst, as did most of our community. We ask that every one of you help us combat COVID-19 and be proactive with us.
Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo has issued a “Stay Home – Work Safe” Order for all Harris County residents. Simply put, everyone should stay home unless they are an “essential employee”. If you’re able to stay home, try to leave only if you have a medical emergency or an “essential” need, such as groceries, medications or pet supplies. Restaurants can and should remain operational with drive-thru, pickup, or delivery options only. Grocery stores, pharmacies and convenience stores will remain open but should regulate the number of customers allowed in the store at a time. For those that are deemed essential personnel, use every precaution while performing your job duties. You should keep a distance of six feet between yourself and anyone in the same area. Refrain from social gatherings with 10 or more people or where space is limited making it difficult to maintain six feet of separation.
In an effort to comply with social distancing, we are screening all incoming calls for service. Our dispatchers will ask a series of questions so that we can continue serving our community with a healthy department. Every call will receive the same level of care, either over the phone with a deputy or in person if the call is life-threatening or severe in nature. Our deputies are disinfecting their workspace, wearing gloves and facemasks as needed, and encouraging those they encounter to do the same.
The Office of Precinct 3 Constables will continue working with all Harris County and City Officials to help flatten the curve of the Corona Virus pandemic. By working together we can aid in restoring normalcy to our schools, our neighborhoods and our communities. Stay Home – Stay Safe!