HOUSTON – The red eye unofficial results in the wee-hours of Tuesday morning showed all races tightening up locally for Harris County and State candidates as the mysterious 20 voting districts that can never get in on time continue their streak.
Firstly, in the Presidential race, Donald Trump commanded 93.94% of Republican votes, Joe Biden took 33.6% Democrat votes, Bernie Sanders 30%, Mike Bloomberg had 14.7%, and Elizabeth Warren also ran for 11.6%.
In the race for the Senate John Cornyn was just 76% of Republicans. It looks like a battle between Mary “M.J.” Hegar 23.12% and Royce West got 14%.
In the battle for Sheriff of Harris County Ed Gonzalez took 72.61% for the Democrats. Democrat
Kim Ogg won back her seat as District Attorney with 55%.
The County Attorney Office replaced Vince Ryan with only 25%, Christian Deshaun Menefee 50% and Ben Rose got 25%.
Precinct 3 Constable showed Sherman Eagleton with 48% Deborah Florus and Ken Jones both had 16% of the votes.
Briscoe Cain with 79% took Robert Hoskins’s retirement plans to the woodshed with 20.6%. Mary Williams will challenge him as a Democrat with 72%.
US District 36 saw Brian Babin win with 86% over J.R. Boatman with 13%. Babin will run against Democrat Rashad Lewis.
All Propositions got over 93% support except Proposition 11 of the Democrats and that was 91% support.
Railroad Commissioners were most in play in the late hours: Democrats Roberto (Beto) Alonzo had 29% against Chrtysta Castaneda with 33% while Republicans Ryan Sitton had 67% over Jim Wright