CROSBY – It gives pause to wonder how one of the more squeaky clean businesses came to be shut down for a paperwork technicality by the Fire Marshall’s Office, especially when the owner was once a recognized Crosby Volunteer Fire Department fireman. Were the illegal game rooms all cooperating?
“My business got caught between a power struggle on the one hand the County Judge was asking for residents to report businesses that are not safe and the Governor’s office trying to allow businesses to open.” said Island Tanz proprietor David Givans.
“I have kept up payroll with no government aid all during this time.”
Givans had bought out his partner without a permit for change of ownership completed; in the end when two inspectors from the Harris County Fire Marshall’s Office entered his business on May 1, threatening to arrest him for being open in violation of Harris County Judge’s orders, they settled for shuttering his business on the slightest of charges. Givans noted his competitors has been open with little or no hassle. Givans indicated the inspectors said he could report on his competitors being open.
The Fire Marshall’s Office replied: “HCFMO has been working with Island Tanz to help walk the business owner through the appropriate procedure in obtaining the required permits.”
And: “The two inspectors should have had mask on, and they are being disciplined for violating this directive.”