CROSBY – A BBQ Fundraising Benefit for the family of Recruit Firefighter Kent Zavala who passed last week in a tragic vehicle incident while off-duty. Help support Crosby Volunteer Fire Dept. brother’s family by stopping by the Newport Station at 123 S. Diamondhead Blvd. on Saturday, 4th of July from 11:30am until food is gone.
Plates are $15 for BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich w/ fixings, Homemade Mac-n-Cheese, Bake Beans, cookies, and water/tea to drink. Also, whole smoked pork butts are $50.
Drive-thru, pick-up, and delivery are available. Pre-order through June 30th by emailing kentsbenefit@yahoo.com. PayPal payments accepted at PayPal.me/kentsbenefit. (Please contact email first before paying on PayPal.)