The Rotary Club of Highlands installed their new officers for the 2020- 2021 Rotary year on June 19. Judge Mike Parrott was the installing officer for the evening’s banquet, hosted by Robert & Ann Woodall. Larry White led the group in prayer, then Denise Smith led the pledge of allegiance. The event was catered by Catfish on Wheels.
Scott Rainey, District Governor-Elect, gave a welcome from the district and commended the Rotary Club of Highlands on their hard work for the year. Numerous recognitions and awards were presented to various members for their contributions through the year, as well as perfect attendance awards.
Officers for the 2020- 2021 year, which begins July 1, are: Andy Scott, President; Jerry Fallin, President-Elect; Teresa Martin, Secretary; and Sheila McDonald, Treasurer. Additional officers are: Johnny Gaeke, Sergeant at Arms; Betty Brewer, Membership Chair; Tricia Scott, Foundation Chair; Denise Smith, Public Image Chair; Diana Weaver, Community Service Chair; Weston Cotton, International Service; Larry White, Scholarship Chair; and Robert Woodall, Youth Service Chair.
As with all Rotary events, the evening was ended with the asking of the questions in the Four Way Test: Is it the Truth? Is it Fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendship? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
We wish all these officers the very best of luck this Rotary year.
The Rotary Club of Highlands meets every Tuesday at noon at United Methodist Church in Highalnds, TX. Membership is open to men and women in the community.
The Rotary Club of Highlands is a member of Rotary International, a 501(c)3 organization. It is an organization of business and professional people united worldwide with 35,000+ clubs who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations and help build goodwill and peace in the world. They work together to: Promote peace, Fight disease, Provide clean water, sanitation, and hygiene, Save mothers and children, Support education, and Grow local economies.
Join the club and get involved! For more information visit 281-426-3558.