Crowds enjoy games, raise money for benefit
HIGHLANDS – Dozens of Rotarians, both local and city-wide, and friends and other residents converged on Charlie’s Ice House on N. Main Street last Saturday, Sept. 11 to compete in the annual Washer Board Charity Competition.
This year the event had a special Patriotic theme, since it was held on 9/11 and the 20th Anniversary of the Twin Towers attack. Rotary past president Andy Scott arranged to have a military honor guard present the colors in memory of those who have given their lives for this country.
The tournament is now in its 14th year, and the money raised by the Rotary Club is used for international projects, including Polio eradication worldwide. The club usually nets about $8000 for this effort.
Over 25 2-man teams competed for the honors of winning, plus some nominal cash prizes.
Winners this year were:
1st Place – Community Team, Keith Gaedchens and Bob McFehring;
2nd Place – Ethan Bowdin and Richard Andrews;
3rd Place – Rockwood Rollers team, Jerry Smith and Patti Farmer;
Rotarian Trophy, to North Shore Rotarian and Past District 5890 Governor John Painter.
There was also a silent auction, and a raffle. In the latter, Linda Richardson won an Ice Chest, Eric Liu won a Wine basket, and Jim Neff won a Liquor basket.
In a live auction, a beautiful quilt with Patriotic images including an American Eagle was auctioned for $1300. The quilt was sewn by Connie Russell.