BHISD earns top scores in state testing

Texas Education Agency released 2020- 2021 state accountability scores in August, and Barbers Hill ISD ranked at the top of its 40-district comparison group statewide.

“Our outstanding scores can be attributed to the heroic effort of staff members who put students first despite obstacles, students who came to school and gave it their best, and a community who continued to trust and support us in these unprecedented times,” said Deputy Superintendent Sandra Duree.

The district’s overall passing rate was 89 percent, which is 22 points higher than the state average and ahead of second- and third-ranking Dallas-area districts Frisco ISD and Wylie ISD.

“State accountability scores are one measure of success,” said Duree. “Last year we celebrated so many successes, such as our highest number of Advanced Placement scholars, a National Merit Commended Student, and our new Social Emotional Learning program, not to mention our dozens of state qualifiers and state champions.”

Barbers Hill ISD ranked first among all districts in Texas with similar demographics (beyond the 40-district comparison group), and seventh overall among same size or larger districts in Texas.

“These remarkable scores cannot undo the stress, anxiety, and loss that COVID has caused,” Superintendent Dr. Greg Poole said, “but we are justifiably proud that we put children first and our students truly reaped the benefit.”

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