HOUSTON – The Greens Bayou Coalition hosted it first post-pandemic Greens Bayou Regatta on Saturday, October 8th, with dozens of canoes and kayaks participating.
Seventy-two paddlers departed from Brock Park Golf Course for the 2022 Regatta at 9:00 a.m., finishing 7.7 miles down the bayou at Thomas Bell Foster Park. The Regatta, which raises funds to support the mission of the Greens Bayou Coalition, combines recreation, stewardship and education on one of Houston’s most beautiful and secluded waterways. Along with awards for speed, the Styrofoam Cup award is given for most trash collected. TEXAR was on the banks and on the bayou to keep the fleet safe.
Council Member Robert Gallegos was on hand for the regatta send-off, and Paul Young, representing Council Member Ed Pollard, and Beth White of the Houston Parks Board encouraged people to get out and enjoy the bayou.
The Regatta after-party included vendors, lunch, music and dancing, and awards to the category winners were presented during the closing ceremonies.
Donna Kouwe, with a time of 01:22.5, was the overall winner of the Regatta. “What a well-organized and fun race!” she said upon finishing.
Kris Linberk and Ross Schkade of Harris County Precinct 3 took home the Corporate Cup with their 1:49:47 finishing time. Crystal and Matthew Williams won the Styrofoam Cup after collecting almost 33 lbs. of trash. A link to all finishers’ times can be found under the “Events” tab of the www.greensbayou.org website.
Complimentary Metro shuttles were available to take paddlers back to Brock Park to retrieve their vehicles and pick up their canoes and kayaks from the finish line.