HIGHLANDS – On February 14, 2023, Sampson Masonic Lodge No. 231 awarded Jutta Mayfield, owner of Pig Supply Gun Shop in Highlands, Texas the Community Builder Award. The prestigious award was established by the Grand Lodge of Texas so that Lodges can formally recognize outstanding non-Masons who have distinguished themselves through their service to the community, and humanity at large. Community are everywhere you look but often go unseen.
It is extremely difficult to be chosen as a potential recipient because you must distinguish yourself above and beyond other businesses, be voted on and approved by the Lodge, and approved by the Grand Lodge of Texas. Sampson Lodge has not awarded the Community Builder Award for at least 10 years.
Jutta Mayfield of Pig Supply Gun Shop has donated over $20,000 in the last 20 years to be used by Sampson Lodge, which has been used to generate funds through raffles and other activities resulting in many thousands more in funds for the Lodge to give away to the community through charity. Sampson Lodge has been able to donate funds to the food bank, provide tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships, and perform other acts of charity as a result of the enormous contributions of Jutta Mayfield through her donations.