EAST HARRIS COUNTY– For the first time in nearly three decades, a new person will be sitting on Commissioners Court to represent Precinct 2.
Former Houston City Controller Sylvia Garcia defeated Johnny Isbell, the former mayor of Pasadena by a slim 52-46 percent margin, or 6,946 votes.
The battle between Isbell and Garcia was a heated one, with each camp serving attack after attack in the final days before the election.
Returning to Commissioner Court for another term will be Jerry Eversole. Eversxole easily defeated a challenge by Charles Hixon 70.8-27.1 percent.
Crosby resident Mike Stafford was also an easy winner in Tuesday’s election, beating Marc Whitehead with 55% of votes. Stafford is the Harris County Attorney.
The U.S. District 25 will have a freshman representative in the next congressional session, as Chris Bell becomes the third Democrat to serve the district since its creation. Bell defeated Tom Reiser in a close fight 51.4-47 percent. The incumbent, Ken Bentsen, chose not to seek reelection, as he ran an ill-fated campaign for the U.S. Senate.