The Crosby/Huffman Chamber of Commerce held their Annual Awards Banquet on Valentine’s Day at The Monument Inn.
Frankie Pizano was entertaining as a Frank Sinatra sing alike.
Awards blustered with recognition of Business of the Year to Century 21 Life Changers, Inc., Employee of the Year to Diane Nash of Crosby Office Supplies, Jerry Prochazka was Volunteer of the Year as was Bud McCune of Huffman Lions, the President’s Award went to Luther Brady, Jr., and there were two Citizens of the Year Earl Boykin and author /historian Edith Cook Cole.
Edith Cook Cole’s historic work for the Crosby/Huffman Chamber was told through her work Crosby’s Heritage Preserved 1823 to 1949, a book of historical memoirs taking readers back to early days of Crosby. That original edition was published in 1992 , financed by a donation from French Ltd. Corporation. In 2000 the Historical Committee reprinted Crosby’s Heritage Preserved underwritten by Crosby State Bank and the Chamber’s Historical Committee. It was printed by Grafikshop, a subsidiary of the Star-Courier. Proceeds from sales were dedicated by Cole to preserving historic sites in the Crosby/Huffman areas. Proceeds for her work now in progress, The History of Huffman are also dedicated to the Crosby/Huffman Chamber Historical Committee. Cole not only writes historical events but she makes it!
Earl Boykin was awarded his accolades from Don Hendrix, Superintendent of Crosby ISD. The history of service by Boykin to the Crosby Ambulance Service, Crosby Schools in numerous capacities including President of Crosby School Board, to his neighborhoods on boards for Newport Subdivision, to his country as an election judge, his church and his God were briefly outlined. His three decades of service were jestingly brushed off by Boykins as simply to tell his age.
Boykin’s accomplishments included serving as President of the Gulf Coast School Board Association last year.
Steven Myers submitted Bud McCune’s recognition as Volunteer of the Year Award. The long-time Huffman resident spent his life in service to those less fortunate through many volunteer efforts such as being a founding member of the Lion’s Club, where he is now District 2S2 Governor. A tireless advocate for special needs children, McCune has more than 30 years of service to helping students, the families and the community.
Venita Smith read the presentation as Jerry Prochazka was honored as Crosby’s Volunteer of the Year. His service as Principal of Crosby High School through turbulent years was punctuated by driving a school bus, coaching and a little custodial work. His efforts on behalf of the area soup kitchen in taking food back that Krogers was about to dispose of has become an integral part of area mainstay. He is remembered for his service in the military when most of his class went to war and his affiliation with the American Legion remains a reminder of his serious stance on service to the nation. His service to Crosby ISD includes being teacher, principal, on the Board and as Superintendent.
Employee of the Year, Diane Nash, was presented by Susan Armstrong of Crosby Office Supplies, Inc., her employer. Nash was recognized as pro-active, trustworthy, vigilant and fun. Her recognition is based on her flexibility, insight and dependability.
Don and Jan Cox with Karla Alexander are the owners of Century 21 Life Changers. The Cox couple started what is this year the Business of the Year as Newport Sales in 1976. Don opened Lake Houston Real Estate in 1978, later acquired a franchise with Century 21 and the company became Century 21 Life Changers, now in its current state of evolution, includes land and commercial real estate, a full service company. The long list of community service organizations the Cox family is involved in includes Kawanis, and every Newport Subdivision affiliation.