A few words for those ‘Demon-crats’

Boy, I could hardly wait to write this week’s column! There may be some of you who won’t agree with me on this, but no one forces you to read this, either.

You see, I’m a plain ole cowboy who was taught that if you were hired to work for someone, you did the job. You usually knew goin’ in that you may not like some of the work, but you don’t have to take the job. It’s your choice.

Well, doggone it! Those liberal Democrats in Austin have had their way for so long, (over 130 years), that when they don’t get their way, they pout. Not just pout, they RUN AWAY and hide! That just shows that they are a bunch of WEENIES!!

I don’t give a good rat’s rearend what political persuasion you are, that’s just plum wrong! If you try and justify it, then you can also probably explain why worms yawn, or why the moon is made of cream cheese!

Give me a cotton pickin’ break! If our Governor or Speaker of the House had any guts, they would have fined the whole bunch that left, $7,500 per day, and told them to stay gone as long as they wanted. Or, they would have appointed someone else from each district to take their place and gone on with the state’s business. But, they didn’t do anything, dagnabbit! And those Demonic Democrats think they won, somehow.

I was so mad that I went and found out who our representative is for Crosby. Fortunately, it was Joe Crabb, a Republican, cause if it had been a Democrat who had run off, I was goin’ to run against him or her next election! (I’m sure a bunch of you are glad that didn’t happen!).

The onlyiest way this so called Governor or Speaker can redeem themselves is to call a special session and lock the doors to the capital and put a State Trooper in charge of every Democrat. Then finish what is the Legislatures responsibility, redistrict the state. That was done by a three judge panel. However, that was only done so the legislature could do it in the next (this) session.

If the Demons lose a few seats, then it is because the people have spoken. Life is tough sometimes, kids. You don’t always get what you want, but you will get what you need! (I think there’s a song like that).

The Demons are just plain and simply wrong and must be called to account on this. From what I’ve heard from some folks who voted democrat last time, they certainly won’t be makin’ that mistake again!

So, I guess the Demons had better enjoy their “victory”, cause it will probably be their last hurrah. I for one, certainly hope so.

Well, at this point, I think I’ve made mine, so I’m goin’ home.

Thanks to all of you who have sent letters to the “Why I like Horsefeathers” contest. I haven’t picked the winners yet, so you still got time to send in yours to:

P.O. Box 1606
Crosby, Texas 77532

Don’t be shy, just do it!

Reliant left the gate open today, so I got to go round up the horses. If you don’t like what those Demons are doin’, call the governor’s office!

Just a Ridin’,