HIGHLANDS The Greater Highlands Chamber of Commerce is alive and well, was the message last Thursday at their installation luncheon. Hosted by outgoing president Charlie Farrar, a new board was installed and new officers sworn in by Judge Mike Parrott.
Also taking place was the recognition of outstanding public safety officials from the fire department and law enforcement agencies.
Secretary Nancy Simpson gave a history of Farrars accomplishments in one short year, and how he can be credited with reviving the dormant chamber.
The new board consid of Gary Anderson, Margie Elliott, Ramona Jones, Harvey Little, Reba Rachal, Mark Taylor, Doug Dodds, Tommy Hathaway, Lynn Kemplay, Linda Palmer, Judy Robinson, and Jim Wadzinski. Officers and members of the board include President Roy Elliott, Phillip Morris 1st VP, Vern Miller 2nd VP, Nancy Simpson Sec., and Jessica Woods, Treasurer.
Awards were presented to Harvey Little, Fire Dept.; Scott Keller, Sheriffs Deputy; Gregg Board and Capt. Gary Jones of Constable Ken Jones office.
The new president, Roy Elliott, gave an outline of new programs and fund raisers to lead into a strong, successful year.