Desserts — Those of you who know me are probably thinking I am the last person who should be talking about excellent desserts. The truth is I usually don’t eat a dessert when we eat out but on occasion I weaken. I have come up with some excellent desserts in our local restaurants recently.
Owner of the Teay’s House (about a mile off I-64 at the Winfield exit), Karen Diehl, makes one great chocolate cake. The portion is large enough that two forks are in order. If you are ever passing through on I-64 you might want to try a slice.
Soho’s, a local restaurant at the Farmer’s Market, located under I-64 and I-77 in downtown Charleston has one fine peach short cake. Made with a fine traditional short cake, peach ice cream, fresh peaches and whipped cream, it really gives the taste buds a treat. Here again the portions are large and two forks are frequently part of the order.
So much for desserts in restaurants. Have you ever heard of a dessert called, Louisiana Swamp? If you have, and you’re a chocolate lover, don’t get turned off by the name. I too had to get past that name to even think I might like it. The recipe can be found in the new cookbook, “Beyond Grits and Gravy,” being advertised as “The South’s All-Time Favorite Recipes.”
When I married Linda, I not only married a fine lady but one great cook. She recently bought this book. Why, I do not know as we have one bookcase overflowing with cookbooks now. But, what is one more! I do believe if Noah served it on the Ark, Linda has the recipe.
In their book, Gwen McKee and Barbara Moseley include the words “enter at your own risk,” when talking about this recipe. Copyright laws forbid me to give you the recipe here I do believe. However, I can tell you it starts with German chocolate cake mix and includes such things as marshmallow crème, pecans, chocolate chips, milk chocolate frosting, almond extract and a few other things.
Linda made this in one large pan and we shared it with other family members. It was one fine bit of eating. She cut the pieces rather small so, contrary to those discussed above, one fork is all you need to do the necessary damage.
If you think you are interested and can’t find the book or the recipe be sure to ask Linda to share her good fortune the next time we are in Crosby. Steer in another direction if you don’t like chocolate. You can tell from what I said above it is chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate! By the way the book is a Quail Ridge Press publication.
Such are the people, places and things that have touched my life in my West Virginia home!