HIGHLANDS Drivers might as well get used to the inconveniences of the I-10 construction, said TxDOT Engineer Quincy Allen, as he spoke to the Rotary Club in Highlands, because in spite of the fact that the project is on a fast track, it will take six months to rebuild the Eastbound lanes, and another six months after that to rework the Westbound lanes.
Allen, a sixth generation Texan, recalls as a boy seeing the I-10 highway constructed, over 50 years ago. It is because of its age, plus the wear from heavy traffic, that required the rebuilding of the roadway.
Allen said that later in the month, with state approval, the speed limit will be reduced through the work area, to 50 MPH.
In other areas, the state will finish the US90 connection to I-610, near the Budweiser plant, in the year 2010. At that time, a clear two-lane highway with frontage roads will extend to Crosby and beyond.
Another TxDOT project recently completed is the three large bumpers built in the San Jacinto river below the I-10 bridge. These are to keep barges and boats away from the bridge structure during high water flooding.
Another project Allen says will commence soon is the widening of frontage roads in the I-10/Mercury Drive area.
Crosby projects, including the railroad overpass and a new Westbound exit ramp from US90 to FM2100, are on hold, awaiting new funding when the state legislature meets in January 2009.