CROSBY A man burned to death following a car wreck on July 2, a 16-year-old drowned on July 7 and on July 12 a tree fell on a man working in the Commons of Lake Houston in Huffman.
A man in a silver P.T. Cruiser was pronounced dead at the scene after his car left U.S. 90 for unknown reasons, hit a sign then crashed into a tree at Crosby-Dayton Road. Bystanders and later emergency services tried to get the man from his car following the wreck but failed before flames engulfed the vehicle. Highlands Volunteer Fire Dept. E.M.S. and Crosby Volunteer Fire Dept. worked the scene as ESD#5 was on a medical call. The flames spread rapidly and burned nearly an acre of area. At first Harris County Sheriffs Dept. misidentified the remains as a woman but when deputies went to inform the widow they learned otherwise, according to a Precinct 3 Constables Deputy.
A 16 year old male drowned between 6 and 7 p.m. down Ulrich Rd. on July 7. H.C. E.S.D.#5 made the scene and placed the male onboard a Lifeflight Helicopter for transport.
On July 9 at about 2:00 p.m. H.C.E.S.D.#5 found a man that had fallen from a motorcycle on the river bridge as they returned from taking a patient to Northeast Hospital. He went by Lifeflight to Hermann Hospital.
According to deputy reports to Captain Moore of Precinct 3 Constable Ken Jones office on Tuesday, July 12, three men were working at a home near Commons Vista and Lake Commons Way clearing trees for a homeowner that was out of town. At 11:37 the deputies were called to the scene for an injured party call. A man was pronounced dead at the scene from a tree having fallen on his head. Two other workers at the scene indicate that they had downed two trees and their co-worker was working about 100 feet up a third tree when it broke and fell atop him. They indicted that the tree was more rotten than they had expected. At about 3:00 p.m. three Sheriffs Deputy cars and a Coroners van were stilll working the scene, but paramedics had pronounced the man dead.