Symphonic Band is all set to take off for the windy-city following heroic efforts at the Crawfish Shack on Nov. 17.
Dan Meaux, owner of the Crawfish Shack told the behind scenes story, “Our goal is to fully fund the trip to Chicago tonight. Today we sold 370 chipped beef sandwiches and we are still short by about $26,000. There are 14 live auction and 56 silent auction items.”
“Charlie Dahu of Hungry Jacks cooked the chili, Junior Forest of Junior’s Smoke House donated about 157 pounds of chili meat and seasoning. Everything in this effort was donated so 100% of the funds raised goes to the band. We have already gotten some nice checks, Murf Turf donated $1,500. OilWell Tubular and family donated $500. It is going great so far.” Meaux continued excitedly before the live auction.
David Mendez of Turner Chevrolet submitted a bid of $2300 for a rifle before the event and the auction was up to $2,200 but quit before Mendez’s bid was open.
According to Kevin Knight, “Thank you for being here tonight. Every week since September 1, we have been in a fundraising mode. We have been tasked with an impossible mission, and tonight is our final big push thanks to you. We go forth to represent Crosby and Crosby ISD on the largest stage with over 2,000 audience. People will be reading about our town all over the world.”
Members of the troupe performed music and danced for their opportunity to travel north prior to the auction beginning. The Crawfish Shack provided a warm and homelike atmosphere as Dan and Jennifer adjusted the amenities to the climate.
The total amount raised with sales of chipped beef sandwiches, monster truck and fan boat display, chili sales, live and silent auction was $40,793, over $10,000 over the goal.
According to Meaux, “It was an awesome night. The band, all the kids were super excited. That makes it all worth it.”