CROSBY – Victor and Debbie Holmelin started the newest version of Crosby 4-H long ago with a vigor for being inclusive and encouraging area youth to explore their world. Today, Crosby 4-H Club is the largest 4-H club in Harris County, as well as the largest in Texas, with 174 members.
An Annual Banquet celebrates accomplishments of each member and their project/projects and recognize members for their years in 4-H. Seven Clover kids were given pins first, a Clover kid is between 5 and 8 years old and just getting started in 4-H, then a host of others were given pins for each year they had been in 4-H, concluding with Dylan Harthorn, Maggie Hearn and Hunter Eilers receiving 10 year pins.
Following Officer installation, all the high school seniors were called forward and presented a gift by the club. The girls received a James Avery Charm, and the boys a Case pocket knife; both were inscribed with Crosby 4-H and 2019. The seniors were recognized for their Club and Community Service hours totaling over 360 hours. Crosby 4-H Club is Honored that the 2019 Crosby ISD Valedictorian and Salutatorian both are members of 4-H — Valedictorian, Mary Hope Greer, and Salutatorian, Maggie Hearn. Congratulations to both of them for this great accomplishment.
Each year all eligible seniors are awarded a Scholarship in memory of Victor Holmelin. Members must be active and complete service hours all 4 years of high school for both the club and the community. The Scholarship is self-funded by the members completing fundraising activities throughout the year. This year’s recipients will receive $1000 each to use this fall at a college or trade school of their choosing. This year’s recipients are: Maggie Hearn, Dylan Hathorn, Reiden Hicks, Darion Klise, Luke Galvan, and Mary Hope Greer. After the seniors were recognized the Clover kids came forward and closed the meeting with reciting the 4-H prayer. Members and guest invited to cake while watching a slide show of the seniors over their years of being in 4-H.