TEA, the Texas Education Agency, released school performance ratings based on their new A to F system. Although most of the schools in the Goose Creek ISD received a passing grade, A,B, or C, Highlands parents were upset to learn that their two schools, Hopper Primary and Highlands Elementary, had received a D.
One other elementary, De Zavala, received a D. Receiving A grades were the Impact Early College High School, and Alamo elementary. The District itself got a B rating, as did most other school districts in the East Harris County area. Ratings by the TEA are based on three categories:
Student Achievement, or how much students know and are able to do;
School Progress, how students perform over time and how that growth compares to similar schools;
Closing the Gaps show how different groups of students are performing.
School officials suggest that disruption from Hurricane Harvey may explain the poor performance in Highlands, as well as restructuring of staff that is taking place.
Superintendent O’Brien told the Star-Courier that he was pleased with the overall performance of schools and students in the district, citing, “Almost all subjects, all grade levels and all domains improved this year.” He did not specifically address the problems in Highlands or how to correct them.