WOODLANDS – The Landry’s Restaurant hosted the crews that valiantly battled blazes, crashes explosions and traffic hazards for Crosby all last year as they presented honors in a banquet last Saturday.
Russell White, First Assistant Chief, filled in for Chief Alan Kulak, as it was announced that the Chief had contracted the virus. Which reportedly the Chief said, the virus was “no joke.”
Pronouncing prayer was Ashley Armstrong, Sec. of the Ladies Auxiliary, the granddaughter of Bob Boyles. His son (of the same name) died in service, and began at age 12 as mascot serving the department. Bob Sr., in his son’s place, served the department for 40 plus years in varied leadership capacities, most recently ESD 80 board member.
Top Responder and Captain of the Year was Warren Thompson. Firefighter of the Year was Anthony Goodlow. Officer of the Year was Cameron Elles. Rookie of the Year was Carlos Diaz.
Emily Armstrong, Chair of the Ladies Auxiliary, presented two 5-year awards, one to Kim White, the other to Rebecca Rustin. A 15-year award was given to Sharie Andrada, and a 35-Year Award was given to Belinda Armstrong.
The 2021 Officers are to be Chief Alan Kulak, 1st Assistant Chief Russell White, 2nd Assistant Chief Mike Sims, Fier Marshal Tommy Jett, Safety Officer Ryan Allen, District 81 Chief Cameron Elles, District 82 Chief Ben Halthorn, and Gage White is Training Captain. Captains are Miguel Najra Station 1, Waren Thompson Station 2, Jean Luc Buchannon Station 3, Chris Riker Station 5, Captain Johnathan Riker Station 6.