Memorial Luminares on display at San Jacinto Monument site on Nov. 13

Drive-thru event honors fallen Veterans

La Porte, TX – The inaugural Texas Memorial Illumination at San Jacinto will take place November 13, 2021, on the grounds of the San Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site. Volunteers will be placing 21,500 luminaries on the battlefield and steps of the San Jacinto Memorial Monument. The luminaries represent Texans who have given their lives in armed conflict from the Texas Revolution through Afghanistan. Each luminary tells the story that freedom is not free.

The Texas Memorial Illumination at San Jacinto will be held on the San Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site One Monument Circle, La Porte TX. In remembrance of Texans who have lost their lives in armed conflict 21,500 luminaries will be lit in on the battlefield and monument. On just this one night, come and experience the battleground anew.

The park opens to the public at 6 p.m. and stays open till 12 a.m. You will be led through the battleground with luminaries lighting the way. This event is a free drive-through family event. Come and experience a renewed sense of patriotism as the luminaries tell the story that freedom is not free.

The Houston area is proud to be the home of this significant battleground where the results of a battle in 1836 changed the course of a nation. It is only fitting that such a unique remembrance be held on its grounds. No other battleground in Texas holds such an evening of inspiration. More than 900 volunteers from around the Houston region and beyond will come to honor those who served by serving themselves. On October 30 they will gather and build the 21,500 luminary bags for safekeeping until the sunrise of November 13. At that time teams of volunteers will place them on the battleground ready to be lit just prior to sunset. A Sunset Ceremony for the volunteers will take place shortly thereafter.

Promptly at 6 p.m., the gates will open to the public. Cars will drive the clearly defined paths through the luminary lit battleground. You will have the opportunity to drive among some of the most hallowed ground in Texas. The path will take you through the woods of the battleground. As you round the corner from your wooded drive you suddenly see the towering 567- foot San Jacinto monument – the tallest war memorial in the world. Proceeding nearer the monument you will notice the terraces filled with luminaries. Circling and being led past the reflection pool, luminaries now surround you filling the meadow with light. The luminaries now led you to the fields where the Texian Army camped the night before the battle on April 21, 1836.

Congressman Brian Babin and former Congressman Gene Green will represent our Texas region as co-chairs of the event acknowledging the sacrifice others have made and congratulating the volunteers for remembering them in such a significant and visually inspiring way.