Redistricting splits Highlands with 2 Commissioners
HIGHLANDS – Precinct 3 Commissioner Tom Ramsey made a presentation to the Highlands Chamber members on June 1, at a special luncheon. Ramsey has met with all the local chambers, to introduce himself and hear of the needs of his new constituency.
Harris County Commissioner’s districts were realigned at the beginning of this year, and Ramsey gave up much of his territory on the west side of the county, and gained parts of Crosby, Highlands, and Baytown that had been in Pct. 2.
Ramsey said he was a civil engineer by training, and brought this knowledge to his duties as commissioner. He said his top priorities are crime reduction, and flood control.
The realignment of the districts resulted in some strange relationships, such as the Highlands area is split down the center of Main Street (Crosby-Lynchburg Road), with the west side in Ramsey’s Precinct 3, and the east side remaining with Adrian Garcia in Pct. 2.
Ramsey said, “I will represent people in Highlands, whether they are in either Pct. 3 or 2. And I will finish every project in the original 2018 Bond program.”
When asked about the waste pits, he said, “They are a ticking time bomb, and we need to get them out of there. We’re late starting.”
Ramsey said that widening of Wallisville Road was on his priority list, as well as programs for seniors at the community centers.
As for local issues of interest, he said that the quest for a new library was not in his area of responsibility. When asked if he was familiar with the Pct. 2 Highlands/Lynchburg Plan, he said he had not seen it, but would find out.
Both Sara Davis and Jack Adcox raised the need for more streetlights, and Ramsey agreed they help reduce crime and accidents. He said he will work on getting more. He said as a trained engineer, he valued getting something finished, not just planned.
Ramsey is now in charge of Pct. 3’s 380 employees (and 40 dump trucks, he added). He encouraged residents to contact Tonya Kostka at the community center with their needs, or his office downtown. He shared his cell number, 713- 805,3824 and office number, 713-274-3000. His contact person at the main office is Roger Bridgewater.