Crosby Superintendent’s message to the community

Paula Eagleton Patterson, a native of Crosby, tapped as finalist in search for new Superintendent.

Security Update; Crosby Fair & Rodeo; Summer School and Camps

Hello East Harris County and Crosby ISD families,

I want to start by talking about steps forward in school security for the upcoming school year. This month, the District sent an email survey to parents and guardians regarding their thoughts and concerns. We are also forming a Security Steering Committee of internal and external stakeholders (students, parents, and staff) to gauge their feedback. The public input will then be acted upon by our Safety and Security Committee, a long-standing group of staff members, parents, community members, and school resource officers who carry out the logistics of security. District leadership is also spending the next few weeks on in-depth planning for the 2022-2023 Academic Year.

Administrators will gather for a team-building academy in July, and one of the major topics will be identifying if any safety and security procedures need to be updated before the new school year. Keeping our students and staff members safe is my top priority. I appreciate everyone who has shared input so far.

Next, we wanted to share a big “Thank You” to the Crosby Fair and Rodeo Association. Their annual event is one of the best of the year to put our Crosby kids on the map. From ag mechanic designs to blue ribbon steer and lamb, our students get to show off their hard work raising livestock and honing their skills with woodworking, welding, horticulture, and crafts. The Crosby Fair and Rodeo Association raised more than $450,000 for scholarships in their auction this month. An extraordinary achievement that will continue to bless our students.

It is now officially summer on the calendar, and I hope your families are enjoying vacations or planning quick getaways to rest and rejuvenate. Don’t forget to encourage reading and math skills among children. Reading 20 minutes a day helps avoid learning loss. Math skills are twice as likely to be forgotten during the summer, so don’t forget to keep quizzing your students on everything from fractions to simple addition. Every little bit helps.

I am so proud of the elementary summer reading program we launched in partnership with the Crosby Library. More than 150 Crosby ISD students are enrolled in the program that runs through August 6. Students earn points for each book read and time spent reading over the summer. They can cash those points in for prizes when school resumes in the fall. The Crosby library branch is helping fill the summer with events celebrating literacy. It’s not too late to join, and you can find out more about the summer reading program here: Literacy is one of our top priorities heading into the fall.

Summer school and summer camps are in full swing. Dozens of students turned out for our boys’ basketball camps and softball camp at Crosby High School earlier this month. Volleyball camps are happening the week of June 20th, and 1st through 8th grade girls’ basketball camps are set for the last week of June. Football summer camp is coming in early August.

A reminder for families that the District’s Seamless Summer Meal service will end Thursday, June 30th. We are providing free breakfast and lunch Monday through Thursday at three campuses through the last day of June: Crosby High School, Crosby Middle School, and Crosby Elementary School. We appreciate our Child Nutrition Services staff who made sure our kids ate healthy meals for another month after the school year ended.

For our teaching staff, I truly hope June and July are a chance for you to replenish your soul with family time, teaching and non-teaching passions, quiet reading, or whatever fills your creative and spiritual buckets. Spending moments unplugged with my husband and our two sons helps me recharge. I pray you have many opportunities to do the same with your loved ones. We’ll be ready to pour our passion into our students in a couple of months.

We are Better Together! Go Coogs!