Crosby High School Students cook Thanksgiving Meal with “Hell’s Kitchen” Contest Chef
Crosby, TX – Students in the Culinary Arts CTE program at Crosby High School will have a very special guest instructor this month. “Hell’s Kitchen” contestant, Executive Chef Abe Sanchez, will mentor students as they provide Thanksgiving lunch service to the Crosby and Barrett Station communities.
The students operate a fully-functional restaurant, called the “Cougar Bistro,” inside Crosby High School each month. Students will serve a delicious Thanksgiving meal with all the fixings on Thursday, November 17. Chef Sanchez will coach students on meal prep and then guide them through the meal service itself.
It’s a change of pace for Chef Sanchez, who is currently competing in Season 21 of “Hell’s Kitchen Battle of the Ages” on the Fox Television Network. He has two children who attend Crosby High School, and he is actively giving back to our communities as he continues deeper into the season on the intense cooking show competition.
The Crosby High School Thanksgiving meal will be the fifth full-service lunch Culinary Arts students have prepared this semester from the school-based Bistro.
Crosby ISD serves the needs of more than 6700 children in the communities of Crosby and Barrett Station in East Harris County, Texas. Our mission is to produce literate, responsible citizens capable of learning and applying academic and social skills successfully in any life setting. For more information, visit