Democrat legislators file gun safety bill

AUSTIN — Members of the Texas Senate Democratic Caucus filed Senate Bill 1274. Four days after the gut-wrenching tragedy in Uvalde, the caucus urged Governor Abbott to immediately call a special session to address gun violence in Texas and pass common sense gun safety legislation.

Senate Bill 1274:

–Raises the minimum age to purchase an assault weapon to 21;

–Requires background checks for all firearm sales;

–Requires a “cooling off” period of 72 hours after the purchase of a firearm; and

–Allows the temporary removal of firearms from those who are an imminent danger to themselves or others.

State Senator Carol Alvarado, on behalf of the Caucus, said the following: “These measures are supported by a vast majority of Texans and could help keep a gun out of the hands of the next would-be mass shooter.

“Texas has suffered more mass shootings over the past decade than any other state: Sutherland Springs, Santa Fe, El Paso, Midland-Odessa and now Uvalde. 87 innocent lives lost and hundreds of others injured and affected by the shootings. ‘Thoughts and prayers’ are not enough. Lamenting the fact that ‘evil’ walks among us is not enough. Laying the blame at the feet of a broken mental health care system is not enough. We need evidence based, common sense gun safety laws.

“We must confront the public health issue at hand—gun violence. Guns should not be easier to access than health insurance, baby formula, voting, books and enlisting in the military. We are not trying to take away Second Amendment rights. Instead, we are asking for reasonable laws that will create a safer Texas for all of us. Taking action requires bravery. The proposed solutions are not new. We cannot wait for another tragedy to occur. Texas has the power to protect its people; it is time we do so.”