Graduation Day at Crosby ISD


Hello East Harris County and Crosby ISD families, Summer is here! It’s time to rest, relax, and rejuvenate.

The 2022-2023 School Year is in the rearview mirror. We are moving forward to enjoying family vacations … making memories … staying up late … sleeping in … getting up early … enjoying quiet coffee time … and spending precious moments with our loved ones.

I think a school year can best be painted with a picture. So, today, let’s paint by numbers!

• Maintenance and Operation steams completed 3200 work orders this year. Wow!

• The Special Education Department was 100% compliant with our TEA Special Education audit. Great work!

• Our school nursing staff logged more than 33,858 office visits this year, seeing 5470 students across the District. Thank you for keeping our kids healthy!

• Nutrition Services served more than 2,400,000 meals this school year. That’s a lot of brain food!

• Technology Services handled more than 11,000 work orders for the year. What would we do without you?!

• Counselors had more than 3148 office visits this year , guiding 1368 children to make good choices and choose career paths. • Our third graders dominated the “Read to the Final Four” competition by reading more than 12,000,000 minutes!

• You all cared for more than 6700 students. You watched them learn, nurtured them, coached them, fed them, and poured your time and energy into them.

• Crosby ISD is 850 staff members strong. Each year, we prove we are stronger than any head winds that come our way. Our communities are better, because you put kindness into action each day.

I pray you have a wonderful summer. This is your time. Take every opportunity to unwind and reflect on the importance of our work. To the support staff and administrators working this summer, thank you.

Be safe. Be well. Happy Travels. Remember,  we are #BetterTogether as we are #MovingForward. Go Coogs!