TxDOT reveals plans for I-10 Bridge & Highway replacement

EAST HARRIS COUNTY – TxDOT, the Texas Department of Transportation, held a virtual and an in-person meeting last week, to inform the public of their plans to build a replacement bridge over the San Jacinto River, and to build new highway lanes to expand the capacity of Interstate Highway I-10 as it passes through the area.

The in-person meeting was held last Thursday evening at the Flukinger Community Center in Channelview, from 5pm to 7pm. About 50 persons attended the meeting, as well as a contingent from TxDOT and Harris County. On view were drawings of the proposed roadway and bridge, and other factual material and the history of the project.

The Project is about 4.5 miles long, spanning the San Jacinto River at a height 30 feet above the present roadway. The cost is estimated at $555 million dollars, with funding from both the Federal and State governments. Construction is scheduled to start in 2027, and continue for 5 years until completed.

Project limits are I-10 from Magnolia Street to Thompson Road, and Spur 330 from I-10 to Thompson Road.

Most of the new construction will take place within existing rights-of way, with only one commercial building and the City of Baytown monument at Four Corners to be acquired and relocated.

The Following information was provided by TxDOT in regard to this project:

Welcome to the Public Meeting

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) welcomes you to the public meeting. This public meeting is being conducted both virtually and in-person. Both options provide an opportunity to view a prerecorded presentation in English and Spanish and provide your feedback on the proposed project.

The purpose of the public meeting is to engage with the community and gather feedback on this proposed project. Your input is important in the project development process. Details on how to comment are on the following page.

Why is this project proposed?

The purpose of this project is to increase capacity and limit potential waterborne strikes of the bridge structures, which would improve safety, access, and navigation for the mariner community and safety for the traveling public.

Project Description

TxDOT, Houston District, is proposing improvements along I-10 from Magnolia Street to Thompson Road and Spur 330 from I-10 to Thompson Road in Harris County, Texas.

The proposed project would replace and widen the existing bridges over the San Jacinto River to reduce barge collisions with the bridge structures and provide increased vehicular capacity within the project limits.

The proposed project would replace the existing I-10 main lane bridges over the San Jacinto River.

Due to repeated barge traffic collisions with the bridge structures on the San Jacinto River, the proposed I-10 main lane bridges would consist of a wider navigational opening and tentatively consist of steel girder bridges with a 52- foot vertical clearance and a 386-foot horizontal navigational clearance.

The proposed project would also add vehicular capacity to I-10 within the project limits.

The existing highway in this location consists of three lanes in each direction.

The proposed project would add one general purpose lane, acceleration/deceleration lanes and entrance and exit ramps, and two managed lanes in each direction.

Managed lanes are highway lanes where operational strategies, such as, but not limited to HOV lanes or emergencies services, are proactively implemented and managed in response to changing conditions.

Proposed improvements along Spur 330 include widening to add one managed lane in each direction and connecting to the proposed I-10 managed lanes.

Currently Spur 330 consists of two 12-foot mainlanes and two 12-foot frontage lanes in each direction.

Project History

The existing I-10 structure over the San Jacinto River has had multiple barge strikes. Past flooding has caused several barges to impact the existing bridge protection system, causing substantial damage.

The flooding also caused significant scour to the existing bridge footings. A bridge type selection study was performed to determine best solution for replacement. Currently there is a retrofit project under construction to repair the damaged protection and fender systems.

For more information, go to: https://www.txdot.gov/projects/hearings-meetings.html

How to Get Involved

You are invited to participate in the development of this project by reviewing the materials and providing comments. You may submit comments in any language in the following ways:

• Place the comment card in the Comment Box at the in-person option

• Send your comment via U.S. Mail postmarked by Friday, October 6, 2023: TxDOT Houston District Director of Project Development P.O. Box 1386 Houston, Texas 77251-1386

• Send your comment via email to:


All comments must be received or postmarked by October 6, 2023, to be considered in the official public meeting summary report.

Documentation of this public meeting will be available online at the project webpage when completed. This report will contain responses to all comments received by the deadline.

Please reference the project number shown on the first page in all communication.