1. Individual Assistance Now Available through FEMA
FEMA is now accepting applications for federal assistance for residents who are uninsured or underinsured to seek help with funding to repair or replace homes, temporary housing, access to low-interest loans and other programs. Applications should be submitted online at disasterassistance.gov
Chambers County is working with TDEM to request that a Disaster Recovery Center be established in Chambers County where residents can go in-person to submit applications for aid. More information will be shared once available.
2. SBA Loan Application Now Available
SBA Loans now available to those impacted by Hurricane Beryl in Chambers County. Loans are available for businesses, economic injury, homeowners, renters and mitigation activities. For more information, please visit the SBA website at https://lending.sba.gov/search-disaster/?disaster=TX-20016
3. Disaster Unemployment Assistance Available
The Texas Workforce Commission is now accepting applications for Disaster Unemployment Assistance for those affected by Hurricane Beryl. Applications must be submitted by September 9 through the TWC website at https://apps.twc.texas.gov/UBS/security/logon.do
4. Electricity
– Chambers County Officials remain in constant contact with both CenterPoint and Entergy, advocating for Chambers County residents and requesting frequent updates on progress made.
Entergy – 5 Outages Remain
CenterPoint – 3,927
5. Cooling Centers
All Cooling Centers have been closed at this time due to lack of use. Chambers County will continue to monitor the situation and will reassess if needed.
6. Citizen’s Collection Stations (box sites) and the Landfill are open for normal hours of operation depending on electricity. There is currently no trailer length restriction at box sites for residents hauling disaster-related tree or shrub debris. For hours of operation and locations, please visit the Chambers County Solid Waste web page: https://www.chamberscountytx.gov/278/Solid-Waste
The County is working to expand operations so that we are able to accept fencing as well. Look for an update on that Monday afternoon.