They have hardly been in existence for seven months, but The Old Three Hundred Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in Crosby is already busy logging hours of community service and making their mark in the Crosby area and across the state.
On Saturday, April 20, 2024, the organization gathered to recognize community and chapter members for their service over the past year. Organized in September 2023 to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the town, the group got busy adding to their ranks and laboring hard to meet rigorous requirements of the National Society of the DAR to bestow prestigious awards.
“All members contributed to the work of the chapter that gained recognition at the state level,” said vice regent Laura Richard.
Jody Fuchs, who was awarded the prestigious Historic Preservation Medal at the TXDAR State Conference in March, was recognized with a chapter certificate for the award with copies of recommendation letters from State Rep. Briscoe Cain, Harris County Pct. 3 Commissioner Tom Ramsey, Crosby ISD Superintendent Paula Patterson, and Crosby ISD School Board President JR Humphries, and photos from the state award event.
Donna Davenport was awarded the Excellence in Historic Preservation Medal. This recognition honors individuals or groups that have saved and/or preserved their local history. This award applauds contributions that contribute to the education of local history for the present and future.
“Davenport led the efforts to create the biggest birthday party we have ever seen for Crosby’s 200th birthday, bringing awareness to local history and its preservation,” Richard said.
Landon Darjean, a senior at Crosby High School, was nominated unanimously by teachers, counselors, and administrators to be the chapter’s first recipient of the prestigious and esteemed DAR Good Citizen award.
“The committee chairwoman worked with the campus to find the deserving student and the chapter was happy to recognize Landon for his outstanding qualities of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism,” Richard said.
Susan Armstrong was presented with a certificate and flowers to celebrate her 50th year as a member of the DAR. Jennifer Meaux was honored for her 10 years of membership. The chapter recognized two of their Junior Members—Madalynn Davis as the chapter’s Outstanding Junior, and Hannah Ríchard for her work as a Page at the Texas Society DAR State Conference in March 2024.
Chapter Regent Alicia Spear presided over a short graduation for three of the members for completing the NSDAR Genealogy Education Program (GEP) courses. Nancy Dav is completed GEP course 3 and 4, Laura Ríchard completed GEP courses 1-5 and 7, and Susan Burgess completed the rigorous GEP Registrar’s Course.
The chapter awarded members for their significant hours of service as reported in the NSDAR’s Service To America Online Tally. The Old Three Hundred chapter’s total of service to the community totaled an amazing 4,263 hours of service. Donna Davenport received the Diamond Sparkling in Service award for her outstanding 1,434.5 hours of service. The Ruby Sparkling in Service award went to Alicia Spear, Regent, and Michael Vosloh. The Emerald Sparkling in Service award was given to Frances Tisdale, and the Sapphire Sparkling in Service award was presented to Maggie Herron, Cathy Hill, Susan Armstrong, and Laura Ríchard, Vice Regent. The Member for Member award recognized daughters for bringing in verified members during the previous year. The chapter recognized Tatum MacNaughton, Laura Ríchard, Judy Smith, and Frances Tisdale.
There were many chapter awards given to members and to the chapter for their work, including recognitions for financial records, participating in the Boston Tea Party 250th Anniversary, promoting and hosting a local book club, supporting NSDAR projects such as planting pollinator gardens, supporting DAR Schools and the DAR museum. The chapter received recognition for including a National Defense event in their annual program, and for their work to beautify and preserve the Lynch Cemetery and the gravesite of Humphrey Jackson and his wife, who were part of Stephen F. Austin’s “Old Three Hundred.”
The chapter is a growing and thriving organization with goals of providing support and service in the Crosby area. The next chapter book club is Thursday, June 6 at 7 p.m. and the club is reading The First Conspiracy: The Secret Plan To Kill George Washington by Brad Meltzer.
The next chapter meeting is on Saturday, June 15 at 1 p.m. If you are interested in learning more about DAR membership, please contact the chapter at
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