Who’s preyin’ on who?

March 26, 2009 Star-Courier 0

Sometimes my ole cuz up Montana way sends items of interest about that part of the world. The latest was a newspaper article out of the BILLINGS GAZETTE

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Playing the banking game

February 12, 2009 Star-Courier 0

It amazes me how this Madoff fellow got away absconding millions and millions of dollars from people who thought they were getting richer. This is one time I

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Feeling Ike’s effects

September 25, 2008 Star-Courier 0

Thanks to Hurricane IKE, I have started a batch of blackberry wine from the berries we picked earlier in the year. Tedious work running six large bags of

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Talkin’ birds…

September 4, 2008 Star-Courier 0

Went to old Saw Bones a while back, he has me to where I can walk like Grandpa Amos McCoy if you ever watched him on the tube.School